Parenting Styles

Parent Connect Takeaways

Wanda Felder, licensed parent educator with the Minneapolis Public Schools joined us for a discussion about parenting styles. Experts have found that there are four basic parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved.

Here are some excellent articles that explain the various parenting styles and how they affect children’s development.

"Parenting Styles Explained" from the Cleveland Clinic 

"What Parenting Style is Right For You?"  from the Mayo Clinic

We talked about various things that affect how we parent our children, such as: 

  • how we were raised - doing some things the same, leaving other ways behind

  • time constraints

  • things we’ve learned from books, friends, social media, etc

  • our beliefs, values

  • stress level

  • energy level

  • child’s temperament

  • our personality

  • state of our mental health

  • co-parenting

Parenting is a journey. We are learning as we go. It’s helpful to take the time to reflect on one’s parenting, pat oneself on the back, have grace with oneself and see how one may want to do things next. We’re in this parenting journey together.

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